Privacy Statement
Following guidance from the SQA and Data Protection Act 1998 (8 principals), the Centre will:
Principal 1:Personal data should be processed fairly and lawfully:
We will only collect individual’s name, DOB, address, gender, telephone number, e-mail address, SCN, and employing organisation as required for the registration of candidates with SDS and the name, DOB, address with SQA. Candidates are advised of this when passing us their details. This also ensures individuals consent to the processing of the information. -
Principal 2: Personal data will only be obtained for only one or more specified and lawful purposes:
Hospitality will ensure it is transparent about the reasons for collecting this information and that what we do with it is in line with the reasonable expectations of the individuals concerned. Privacy notices should be given to the individuals concerned: e.g. who the organisation is and nominated representatives, why you need to collect the data and any other relevant information. -
Principal 3: Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed.
We will only record what is necessary for registering the individual with SQA and ensuring the individual is contactable. We have identified the minimum amount of data necessary to allow us to fulfil organisations purpose (Data Minimisation) -
Principal 4: Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
Individual’s personal details will be kept up to date whilst registered as a candidate with the organisation. -
Principal 5: Personal data processed for any purpose or purposed shall not be kept longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes.
In line with SQA guidance the organisation will:
Hold candidate evidence for three weeks after the candidate group award end date notified to SQA. However, this will be kept longer if an EV visit is planned and/or any information or portfolio is requested.
Keep records of assessment, internal verification and candidate records of achievement for one year after the completion of the award.
Records of appeals including all materials and candidate portfolio, to be held until the appeal. Thereafter assessment and internal verification records for appeals cases will be retained for six years.
Investigation records of Malpractice will be retained for six years or for six years from the conclusion of any resulting criminal or civil case and associated appeals, and issues of Personal Interest in the outcome of assessment are kept for 1 year.
Principal 6: Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act.
We will ensure all concerned have a right to access their personal information held.
All candidate data, and evidence portfolios are kept in a locked cabinet, in secure office.
Candidate’s portfolios are never posted, and taken from the office by the assessor, and handed back to the candidate, in person, at their place of work.
Evidence portfolios or MA Files are never stored the assessor’s vehicle, but kept in a brief case at training co-ordinators home address.
Principal 7: Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.
We will shred confidential documents when removing information from our filing systems. - Principal 8: Relates to sending personal information outside the European Economic Area.
- Any breach in the security of the assessment methods published on the secure site must be reported immediately to the SQA.